Can You Install a Fence During the Winter Months?

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Can You Install a Fence During the Winter Months?

Have you been wanting to get a fence installed, but haven’t gotten around to getting it done? First it was going to be a spring project, then summer was too hot, then fall came and went too quickly, and now you still don’t have your fence put up. Which leaves you wondering, can you install a fence in the winter?

Yes, it is possible to get a fence installed during the winter months. Unless you live in an area where the ground is permanently frozen, or there’s been an unusual cold snap in an otherwise mild winter climate zone, you can still get a fence put up. In fact, there are even advantages to getting a fence installed in the winter. 

Benefits of Getting a Fence Installed in the Winter

Besides just being possible, it is actually a good idea to have your fence installed in the winter time, because:

  • Fencing contractors have more availability. Not as many people put up fences in the winter time, meaning you’ll have an easier time booking a contractor. Your fence project will likely be completed in a shorter period of time as well, as your contractor will have more time to devote to your fence project. 
  • Installation won’t interfere with outdoor enjoyment. When you have a fence installed during the spring, summer, or fall, you won’t be able to be out in your yard as much while your fence is going up. In the winter you won’t have to worry about missing out on quality outdoor time because the weather won’t likely be nice anyway. 
  • Grass and plants are dormant for easier landscaping. You may not have to do as much clearing out of brush and weeds during the winter time as most plants will be dead or dormant. Preparing the way for a new fence should be an easier task in the winter. And you don’t need to be concerned about killing the grass either. You can replant in the spring. 
  • Increase privacy when plants and leaves aren’t providing it. If you rely on the leaves on your trees and other seasonal plants for privacy, you unfortunately lose that during the winter. Putting up a fence can give you privacy during the winter when the plants and trees aren’t as full. 
  • Block snow drifts. In areas that get a lot of snow, having a fence can prevent the snow from blowing into huge drifts. It also keeps the snow from blowing into your yard from other people’s yards and piling up. 
  • Replace your old fence before winter weather knocks it down. If you have a current fence that is in rough shape with rotting wood or loose pieces, it may not hold up to winter weather. Rather than having broken fence pieces laying around or blowing around in strong winds, go ahead and replace your fence with a new one that will hold up to the wind and snow. 
  • Your fence boards won’t warp in the heat and humidity. Summer heat and humidity can wreak havoc on wood fences. By having your fence installed in the dry winter weather, it will have time to settle into place before the heat and humidity go into effect. If you choose vinyl or steel fencing instead, this won’t be an issue. But when you’re trying to save money by going with wood, winter is a good time to do it.  

Best Fence Options for Winter 

Now that we’ve answered the question of can you install a fence in the winter, the next question is which type of fence holds up best to winter weather. In mild weather climates this is not as big of a concern. But in cold weather climates there are other factors to consider, such as the frost level of the ground. Consider these fence options

  • Steel fences hold up best in all types of weather. However, steel fences don’t offer the same degree of privacy or snow blocking that other more enclosed fence materials can offer.
  • Aluminum fences also hold up well in weather, but are not as strong as steel and are more prone to denting or bending. 
  • Chain link fences are very strong and functional, just not as aesthetically pleasing as other fence materials. 
  • Vinyl fences are fine in milder winters, but in freezing temperatures the plastic becomes brittle and may crack or break easily. 
  • Wood fences, when made with treated wood, can hold up well, but are more likely to warp due to moisture than other materials. 


Anderson Fence Installs Fences All Year Long

Can you install a fence during the winter months? Anderson Fence can. If you’re looking for a fencing contractor who installs fences year-round, we are available. We have the expertise to handle cold weather fence installations to ensure your fence will hold up to any weather.

Call (410) 749-2944 to schedule a consultation or request an estimate. We look forward to installing your fence whatever time of year is best for you. 

By |December 21st, 2020|Aluminum Fence, Chain Link Fence, Steel Fence, Vinyl Fence, Wood Fence|Comments Off on Can You Install a Fence During the Winter Months?

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